Hero of the Pass


by Shawn Carman



Iweko Setai glanced around the quartermaster’s office in the portion of the Imperial Palace devoted to the elite Empress Guard. It was much better appointed than many he had seen during his years of service to the Lion Clan, but of course that was to be expected. There could be no expense too great for a unit such as the Empress Guard. But his purpose today had little to do with matters of expense; such things were better left to the Imperial Treasurer.

“I see you are departing.”

The ronin stopped packing his travel sack long enough to bow deeply, then resumed. “I have been appointed to a position as an adjunct to the Shogun,” he said. “I am to assume command of a contingent from the Imperial Legions and secure the passes through the Seikitsu Mountains.”

“Interesting,” Setai observed. “And so soon after your appointment to the Empress Guard, no less.”

“I am told that many of the Guard have been dispatched by the Empress to assist her forces in the war.” He paused. “It is a testament to her wisdom that she values the security of her Empire so greatly, in my estimation.”

“How do you view the appointment?”

“A short time ago I was a wave man struggling to find my next meal,” the ronin said. “I am grateful for my good fortune, and for the patronage of lord Taneji-sama. If my departure from the Imperial City will reduce commander Erena-sama’s concerns over an unknown quantity among her guards, so much the better.”

Setai was surprised. “You do not find insult?”

“I find opportunity,” he answered. “This is a means to prove myself worthy of my position.”

“How will you fulfill this duty?” Setai asked, changing the subject.

“I have requested a few men I know to assist in the operation,” the ronin said. “There is a man named Hisao that I know from my time among the wave men. He will take command of the force securing the Iuchi Pass. I have sent a request to the City of Lies for the governor there, Bayushi Tsimaru, to renew his commission with the Legions and temporarily secure Seikitsu Pass. It is the largest, and his record is spotless.”

Here Setai frowned. “Tsimaru? He is a busy man.”

“A busy man with a tremendous service record,” the ronin said. “If he accepts, it will greatly increase our efficiency. I will assume command of the Shamate Pass myself.”

“The smallest of the three passes?”

“And the one closest to the Imperial City,” the ronin replied.

“Well thought out,” Setai agreed. “What is your name again, ronin?”

“Gahseng,” the ronin answered. “I am Gahseng, my lord.”