What is Enlightenment?


by Rich Wulf

            Eleven centuries ago, the dark god Fu Leng rose from the Shadowlands and threatened to tear apart the young empire his brothers and sisters had built. It was not Shiba’s intellect or Akodo’s courage or Hantei’s benevolent rule that found the key to defeating Fu Leng – it was the wisdom of a simple, mortal man. This man was Shinsei.

            Throughout the centuries, Shinsei’s descendants have watched Rokugan from afar. Recognizing their importance to the Empire’s greater destiny, these sons and daughters of Shinsei have always remained apart. During the Clan War, one stepped forward, known as the Hooded Ronin, and guided the Seven Thunders to another victory against the fallen god, Fu Leng.

            The Hooded Ronin returned to the shadows after the Day of Thunder, but he never truly left the Empire behind. Upon his deathbed, he charged his son, Rosoku, with seeing that the accumulated wisdom of Shinsei’s descendants would be passed on. Rosoku returned and issued his challenges, challenges that would decide the six Keepers who would guide Rokugan.

            Yet even Rosoku could not foresee his own fate. As he prepared to return to obscurity, he was stricken down by an assassin, the last loyal servant of the defeated madman, Iuchiban.

            Now Rokugan must face a future without Shinsei. What role will his Keepers serve? Will the last Keeper continue Shinsei’s example and lead the Empire to greatness or will this prophet turn upon the Great Clans for their failure, leaving them to find their own way?

            We will find the answer here.

Shinsei himself said that no two souls can find enlightenment by the same path, and for each clan enlightenment will take a different form. Between the rounds today, we will explore what enlightenment means to each of the factions that have gathered here today – what all of you are fighting for.

Good luck, may the Fortunes be with you – and may you find your own path.

Round Two Intro



What is enlightenment to a Phoenix?

The Phoenix is a clan of peace, the gentle Voice of the Emperor, but the clan’s history has been marked with savage violence – and sometimes the Emperor’s Voice must be raised in a cry of fury. The children of Shiba are scholars and mystics, who must continually resist the seductive allure of the powerful magic they command.

To balance knowledge and power in equal measure, that is what it means to be a Phoenix. Without knowledge, one cannot gain true power. Without the power to use one’s knowledge effectively, one truly has nothing. This is the riddle of the Phoenix.

Fight only for peace. Burn brightly and leave your mark upon the universe. Never fear to pursue the truth, for even if you should fall others will learn from your example – and a Phoenix always rises from its ashes.

This is your enlightenment.


What is enlightenment to a Lion?

Bold warriors, the Emperor’s valiant Right Hand, the Lion seem to have little time for contemplation. Akodo himself frowned upon Shinsei’s teachings. To this day, the copy of the Tao given to the Lion Clan by the Little Prophet remains unopened. The idea of enlightenment seems almost alien to these bold warriors. Ironically, perhaps Shinsei would say that the Lion understand his message better than many – for they have the courage to find their own path.

With virtue and honor to guide them, the Lion never falter in the face of danger. Through the example of their ancestors, the Lion face the future without fear. In the glint of flashing steel, the Lion find truth. In the roar of charging armies, they find contentment. To fight well, die well, and inspire others to greatness is the grand destiny of the Lion.

This is your enlightenment.

Round Three Intro



What is enlightenment to a Crab?


Hida said that strength is all. Strength forgives all. Strength conquers all. Many would laugh at such a philosophy, and paint the Crab as foolish brutes.

The heroes of the Crab Clan do not care.

Only a Crab has the strength to fight a foe who can never truly be defeated. Only a Crab has the strength to remain pure in the face of an evil that inevitably corrupts all. Only a Crab has the strength to sacrifice all else, to spit in the face of darkness, to risk their lives and souls to save an Empire that offers them little gratitude.

The Crab need no thanks. The Crab need no reassurances or petty words of wisdom. The Crab find strength in the solidity of a stone wall, the solid crack of steel upon an oni’s withered hide, in the bold voices of their brothers.

To be strong. This is all. This is everything.

This is your enlightenment.


What is enlightenment to a Crane?

It can be said that each of the Kami pursued perfection in his or her own way. Akodo’s prowess in battle was unmatched. Bayushi’s cunning was unparalleled. Yet Lady Doji’s virtue was nothing less than perfection itself.

A true samurai says nothing that is not true – his word and deed are one. A true samurai excels in all things. There is no room for imperfection. Others will doubt you. Others will mock you. Let them. Let the envy of such fools serve only as a barrier to be overcome. Let your brilliance blind them, leave them in awe, let them regret that they are not Crane.

This is your enlightenment.

Round Four Intro



What is enlightenment to a Ratling?

They are shadows of yesterday. Most think of them as thieves at best, or beasts at worst. But the Nezumi remember a time when they ruled the lands unchallenged. They remember when their power drove them to arrogance, and their arrogance drove them to ruin. Now they scurry through the shadows and seek to piece together the glory that was once theirs.

A true Nezumi always thinks of his tribe, and never stands alone. Their will is indomitable. Even the insidious touch of the Shadowlands cannot corrupt them. A Nezumi remembers every Yesterday and races against the cold grip of Tomorrow. Leave a Name worthy of a powerful story.

This is your enlightenment.


What is enlightenment to a Unicorn?

After Fu Leng fell, only Shinjo had the bravery to look beyond the lands that her brothers and sister had claimed. Only Shinjo sought what lay beyond, daring to uncover the mysteries of the world outside. Following her example, the Khan’s call to arms echoes across the plains – and the Unicorn answer.

This is the spirit of the Unicorn. Never be satisfied. Always seek a new horizon. Seek truth in motion – for to be still, to be stagnant, is to die.

Those who call you barbarians only fear the truths that you have embraced. Those who call you outsider had best do so quietly and not bar your path – lest they be ridden down as you race to explore the next mystery.

This is your enlightenment.

Round Five Intro



What is enlightenment to a Mantis?

The path of enlightenment is a solitary one. Those who seek it must find their own way to greatness, and always seek to better oneself. Who better to face such a challenge than the Mantis? The samurai of the Mantis Clan have always been driven by ambition. They carve their own destiny, and defy all boundaries others place upon them.

If the way is difficult, then the Mantis will walk it even more willingly. Tell a Mantis that enlightenment cannot be found, and he will seek it out with a brazen laugh.

This is your enlightenment.


What is enlightenment to a Scorpion?

A secret.

Secrets have value. He who knows a secret has power over the ignorant. Lesser men will risk much to share what they see as wisdom. A fool will risk family, name, and honor to learn the truth. Let him try. Gain power and influence over others, tantalizing them with secrets while you grasp the truth close. Let them grovel to share what you have learned. Share only knowledge that is of no further use, and use what you have learned from your pawns to drive others to serve you.

The greatest wisdom is that a Scorpion need not possess any wisdom at all – so long as fools believe that he does. The lie an enemy tells himself will defeat him more surely than anything you can imagine.

This is your enlightenment.

Round Six Intro



What is enlightenment to a Dragon?

The path of enlightenment has always been the Dragon Clan’s foremost pursuit. Balance. Truth. Contentment. Harmony. Even the boldest Dragon warrior seeks the mysteries of enlightenment. Even the lowliest Dragon peasant contemplates the reason behind it all.

So what does it mean?

Ask a Dragon that question and he will laugh. He will say that you are a fool, and that you have wasted your time.

If you wish to know the answer, you must ask yourself.

This is your enlightenment.


What is enlightenment to the Lost?

Many reasons drive mortals to seek their fate in the Shadowlands. Some seek to escape their past. Some seek the power of the dark god. Some were once staunch enemies of evil and, having fallen in battle, now proudly cry the Dark Lord’s name. They are the antithesis of everything Rokugan represents. They have turned their back upon the nine Kami who built the Empire, swearing their swords and their names to a sinister god bent upon consuming the world.

The Lost would say that they have already found truth and the Rokugani dwell in ignorance. In Fu Leng’s service they have embraced wisdom. If a god must be served, why not serve the strongest of them all? Only the Lost know the true meaning of sacrifice – while other samurai may give their lives to their lords, the service of a Lost warrior hardly ends there.

Light means nothing without darkness.

This is your enlightenment.

Round Seven Intro



I have spoken of the Great Clans that rule the Empire. I have spoken of the Nezumi that hide between the cracks. I have even spoken of the corrupted heroes who stand in the Shadowlands, waiting to prey upon the weak and unwary. You have heard me speak of what enlightenment means to each of these factions – but the path is not so simple.

Rosoku has fallen, and with him hope wavers. In other times, such an offense would be met swiftly. The Clans would rally together and charge into battle against the foe who had wounded them. Justice would be won, vengeance would be satisfied, and in victory the Empire would find some measure of relief – but there will be no justice, no vengeance, no relief. Rosoku was slain by an enemy thought already defeated. The Empire will have no vengeance because there is no enemy.

There is only shame.

There is only blame.

There is only dishonor.

Left with nothing to oppose, the clans will turn upon one another. The final Keeper will deny Rokugan his wisdom. He will stand apart and plot revenge against the Emperor who failed to protect his mentor. In the age of Dark Lotus Rokugan will face the enemy that it cannot defeat.


This will be age of the Dark Lotus. This will be the end of enlightenment.

Round Eight Intro



There was a time when hope died, when a dark god raged against the borders of a young Empire. The gods themselves could do nothing and even the Emperor fell to Fu Leng’s poisons. It was Shinsei, a simple man, who led the Thunders against evil.

The last descendant of Shinsei has fallen. Without his legacy, who will guide us? Without his bloodline, who will save us? What hope could the Empire have?

What hope indeed?

Each of the Great Clans faces impossible challenges each day, incredible duties that can never be completely fulfilled. Why should this be any different? How can we fail to uphold Shinsei’s legacy?

How can we truly admit defeat so long as a single samurai draws breath?

To Shinsei’s final Keeper falls this greatest of challenges – not just to follow Shinsei’s example, but to forge his own path. The final last Keeper’s task will be even more daunting than to find hope. He must rebuild hope.

This will be the age of the Lotus. This is your enlightenment.